Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Joy Luck Club Essay - 1722 Words

In the novel, Joy Luck Club, we see Waverly Jong and June Woo’s competitiveness when Waverly becomes a child chess prodigy and June struggles to master the piano. This rivalry reflects how success and worth are depicted in this novel. A mother’s success would be encouraging or coercing their child to master a particular hobby and to improve constantly. A daughter’s worth would be determined by the daughter’s talents, and whether or not the daughter brings a good reputation for the family. We can tell that Lindo Jong was very proud of her daughter Waverly Jong when she was a chess prodigy, competed in different cities, and would bring home a myriad of trophies. Because Lindo was so proud of Waverly, she would brag excessively about her and†¦show more content†¦Even if you learn about the tragedies in your family, at least you know the type of people you came from and understand why you act a certain way. Passing on things to your descendants should be amended in a way because you should only pass on useful and beneficial things to them. Lastly, being free should also be adjusted slightly because it should not include leaving everyone you know and your problems behind without having a resolution. It should be more like leaving after you say your farewells everyone and after you resolved most or all the problems you are facing. This is the concept of happiness I believe this novel revolves around. One concept of happiness is understanding one’s identity, background, and not lose sight of who you are. This concept is an American thing because in a country full of immigrants knowing who you are as a person is important, and to not forget that even you are when you the ethnic minority in a particular area is even more crucial. Moreover, in America, there are always questions like who you are and how does your cultural background influence you. These questions guide people to explore their identity and find out who they are. This concept is also an Asian thing because the mothers in The Joy Luck Club tells many stories throughout the novel to help their daughters understand who they are.Show MoreRelatedStrengths and Weaknesses in The Joy Luck Club Essay713 Words   |  3 PagesMany women find that their mothers have the greatest influence on their lives and the way their strengths and weaknesses come together. In Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club, the lives of four Chines e mothers and their Chinese-American daughters are followed through vignettes about their upbringings and interactions. One of the mothers, An-Mei Hsu, grows up away from her mother who has become the 4th wife of a rich man; An-Mei is forced to live with her grandmother once her mother is banned from the houseRead MoreJoy Luck Club by Amy Tan Essay762 Words   |  4 PagesTraditions, heritage and culture are three of the most important aspects of Chinese culture. 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All of the mothers were born in China and came to America because of some kind of problem, but their daughters were born in the United States. Due to the fact that the daughters were born in the United States, they are extremely Ameri canized. Consequently, they do not value the Chinese

Monday, December 16, 2019

Survey Question and Respondents Free Essays

I decided to do my survey on Pizza and people’s views about the food. I asked my respondents 3 fairly simple questions about how they viewed Pizza. The first question I asked was a simple Yes/No question asking them whether like they like Pizza or not. We will write a custom essay sample on Survey: Question and Respondents or any similar topic only for you Order Now Secondly, I asked them what they favorite kind of pizza was (i. e. Pepperoni, Hawaiian, etc. ). Lastly, I asked my respondents to rate Pizza on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being least favorite food, 10 being their favorite food). The results I found were quite interesting. I published my survey on Fluidsurveys. com and you can see it here if you’d like http://fluidsurveys. om/surveys/gary-8S/pizza/. I selected my respondents through my Twitter account, in which I tweeted asking my followers to take my survey, as well as direct messaging them with the link to my survey. With that being said, my survey would be random if everyone living in the US was following me on twitter, instead I got 28 responses from my 270 followers. So I wouldn’t say my survey was random unless the population was strictly the people who follow me on Twitter, and even then they choose to take it so it must have interested them just like the internet polls. As we begin to look at the results this survey has produced we see that of the respondents, 17 of them said that Pizza was a 6 or higher on their respective rating scale. The survey produced an average of about 5. 74, meaning Pizza is slightly above an average food as there isn’t any significant data suggesting that it’s really good or really bad according to the survey. Since a 5 on any scale from 1-10 would be an â€Å"average† food as it’s in the middle and not extremely good or bad. They were a few outliars as a few people put that it was a 2-3, and a few others put that it was a 9 even had one person put a 10. Now my comment/essay answers were far from essays as no answer I received was more than 5 words long. With that being said my results could easily be broken down into 3 separate categories of people. One of which is the people who are the â€Å"meat lovers†, these people said that their favorite kind of pizza was one that had (at least) one of the following meats on it: Pepperoni, Sausage, Ham, or Bacon. These people tended to rate pizza higher on the scale as there wasn’t a rating below 6 from this Sub-sample. Next we had the group of the original Cheese pizza people, these respondents weren’t so friendly in their ratings as to the ratings went as low as a 2 and up to a 7. This group had the most variety of the 3, and the biggest range going from 2 to 7. Lastly we have the exotic group, which has the least number of respondents of the three. This group includes anyone who chose a pizza that wasn’t one included in the meat lovers, or cheese group. Pizzas in this group consisted of: Hawaiian, Buffalo Chicken, Barbeque Chicken, Veggie Lover, etc. Although this sub sample size was smaller than the other two it brought the average of the whole sample up significantly with its average being a 7. 38. * Population- Everyone in the USA * Sample- 28 of my twitter followers * Statistic- 23/28 (82. 143%) people said yes, they do like pizza. * MOE= +/- 12% * Parameter- Actual % or # of people who like pizza. So upon further sampling we expect approximately 80% of our intervals to contain the true parameter. I’m not saying that I’m 80% sure that the parameter lies within 70-94% in any way, instead I’m saying if we continued sampling long enough that eventually 80% of our intervals would in fact contain the true parameter. Now if I were to increase the confidence level up to 95% my MOE would increase up to 19% making my new interval 63-100% so there’s more room for error and we can be more confident that if we continued sampling, the parameter is far more likely to lie within our intervals. How to cite Survey: Question and Respondents, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Electromagnetic Induction Essay Research Paper The phenomenon free essay sample

Electromagnetic Induction Essay, Research Paper The phenomenon called electromagnetic initiation was foremost noticed and investigated by Michael Faraday, in 1831. Electromagnetic initiation is the production of an electromotive force ( voltage ) in a music director as a consequence of a altering magnetic field about the music director and is a really of import construct. Faraday discovered that, whenever the magnetic field about an electromagnet was made to turn and prostration by shutting and opening the electric circuit of which it was a portion, an electric current could be detected in a separate music director nearby. Faraday besides investigated the possibility that a current could be produced by a magnetic field being placed near a coiled wire. Just puting the magnet near the wire could non bring forth a current. Faraday discovered that a current could be produced in this state of affairs merely if the magnet had some speed. The magnet could be moved in either a positive or negative way but had to be in gesture to bring for th any current in the wire. We will write a custom essay sample on Electromagnetic Induction Essay Research Paper The phenomenon or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The current in the spiral is called an induced current, because the current is brought about ( or? induced? ) by a altering magnetic field ( Cutnell and Johnson 705 ) . The induced current is sustained by an voltage. Since a beginning of voltage is ever needed to bring forth a current, the spiral itself behaves as if it were a beginning of voltage. The voltage is known as an induced voltage. Therefore, a altering magnetic field induces an voltage in the spiral, and the voltage leads to an induced current ( 705 ) . He besides found that traveling a music director near a stationary lasting magnet caused a current to flux in the wire every bit long as it was traveling every bit in the magnet and coiled wire set-up. Faraday visualized a magnetic field as composed of many lines of initiation, along which a little magnetic compass would indicate. The sum of the lines crossing a given country is called the magnetic flux. Faraday attributed the electrical effects to a altering magnetic flux . The necessity of gesture to bring forth a current is due to the fact that electromagnetic initiation involves a time-varying magnetic field. The same effects can be produced by traveling the spiral toward and off from a inactive magnetic beginning. In either instance, the key to bring forthing the current is surely the gesture of the magnet or the wire. The magnetic lines of the magnetic field must go through through a cringle of the coiled wire. The value of the magnetic flux is relative to the entire figure of lines go throughing through the cringle ( Serway and Faughn 653 ) . The magnetic flux can be stated in an equation equal to the flux: degree Fahrenheit = ( B ) ( A ) or f = ( B ) ( A ) cos Q. The value for the magnetic field ( B ) is multiplied by the country of one cringle of the wire spiral ( A ) and the angle at which the magnetic field crosses the plane of the cringle. This decision lead to the development of other jurisprudence affecting electromagnetic flux. Sometime after Faraday? s experiments and decisions, Scots physicist James Clerk Maxwell proposed that the cardinal consequence of altering magnetic flux was the production of an electric field, non merely in a music director, where it could drive an electric charge, but besides in infinite even in the absence of electric charges. Maxwell formulated the mathematical look associating the alteration in magnetic flux to the induced electromotive force ( voltage ) . This relationship, known as Faraday # 8217 ; s jurisprudence of initiation, states that the magnitude of the voltage induced in a circuit is relative to the rate of alteration of the magnetic flux that cuts across the circuit. The induced voltage along any traveling or fixed mathematical way in a changeless or altering magnetic field equals the rate at which magnetic flux expanses across the way ( Ohanian 784 ) . The subsequent magnetic field produced in the spiral will be in the opposite way of the magnetic field of the sal oon magnet. This due to the relationships between the voltage, the current, and the magnetic field. If the field were produced in the way of the magnet? s magnetic field, the system would go on to construct in charge due to the effects of an addition in the electromagnetic flux moving on the spiral. The system would ensue in catastrophe if continued in that mode. The field must, by jurisprudence, resist the addition of the magnetic flux moving on the spiral in order to keep the balance of the system. The equation for this is: E = # 8211 ; N ( qf / qt ) where N is the figure of cringles in the coiled wire and T is the clip in which the flux, degree Fahrenheit, is changed. This experiment will research a few of the state of affairss in which a current can be induced by a magnetic field. These have proven utile for the possibilities of bring forthing a current with magnetic attraction. The interlingual rendition of this is that through building of generators, the magnetic field passing through the coiled wire produces a utile beginning of electricity. The induced current and induced voltage relate to the amperage and electromotive force go throughing through many of our places today. These finds were used to revolutionise the manner we lived at the bend of the century by supplying the physical Torahs needed by discoverers to bring forth new engineering. Procedure: I.Currents Induced in Straight Wires: 1.Connect the individual wire setup to the power supply as shown. The ammeter should be on high graduated table. Place one of the little Ag compasses on the back shelf. Revolve the shelf and secret plan the magnetic field. Remember that the magnetic field ever runs from north to south. Therefore ever put the pointer on your field line in the way that the north pointer points. 2.Turn the current up to around 5 amperes. Be careful non to touch any wires or you will acquire a really bad daze. Besides hurry in taking your measurings or the circuit ledgeman will blow. Revolve the shelf once more and plot the field. Read your text edition on the theory of magnetic Fieldss for consecutive wires before making this. Change by reversal the leads so the current flows in the opposite way and repetition. 3.Now connect the wire cringle setup, the ammeter, and the power supply in a series circuit. Turn the power supply up until the ammeter reads about 2 amperes. This clip you will be utilizing one of the larger gold compasses. Keep the compass on the interior of the cringle, taking note of the manner the needle points. Repeat outside of the cringle on all sides. Pull the cringle on your paper and secret plan the magnetic field. Change by reversal the way of the current flow through the cringle and reiterate the measurings. 4.Set the panel electromotive force to 1.5 Vs utilizing the voltmeter. Connect a spiral to the supply as shown below. Insert the slotted composition board in the hole. Using the compass on the composition board, map out the magnetic field. Include the directional pointers. Change by reversal the way of the current and repetition. 1.5 Vs II.Currents Induced By a Bar Magnet: 1.Connect a galvanometer ( most sensitive graduated table ) to the terminuss of the spiral, as shown below. Quickly insert one terminal of the saloon magnet into the spiral, delay, so, rapidly take the magnet. What are your observations? Use studies of the spiral to bespeak current waies. There are four instances to be considered: ( 1 ) north inserted, ( 2 ) North withdrawn, ( 3 ) South inserted, and ( 4 ) South withdrawn. For each instance there are four images. Therefore, a sum of 16 diagrams are required. The way the galvanometer needle moves is the same way as the copper rrent is fluxing. Remember the saloon magnet has a field running from N to S. When this is inserted in the spiral, a current is set up in order to bring forth a magnetic field that will call off out the field of the saloon magnet. Is the field produced by the current in the spiral in the right way to call off the field of the saloon magnet? 2.Repeat portion 1, but much more easy than earlier. Compare consequences. Does the velocity have an consequence on the strength of the magnetic field produced? 3.Repeat the process with the other terminal of the magnet. III. Currents Induced by Current- Carrying Coils: 1.Connect a 2nd spiral t the 1.5v power supply oriented as shown. Quickly move spiral A up to gyrate B, keeping orientation shown above ( note effects ) . Indicate the current in each spiral. Quickly move spiral A off from B. Indicate the waies of the currents in the spirals. Remember current flows from to? and is set in spiral A. Does gyrate A behave precisely like the saloon magnet did? 2.Now disconnect one wire from spiral A and travel spiral A up to gyrate B. Reconnect the wire to gyrate A ( note consequence ) , disconnect wire ( note consequence ) . Indicate way of currents in spirals for each instance. A Bacillus Volt Datas: I.1. The magnetic field of a consecutive wire was found to be: 2.The magnetic field of the same wire with current in opposite way: 3. The magnetic Fieldss of cringles of wire with current in opposite waies: a. B. 4. The mapped magnetic field from a cringle attached to a electromotive force: a. B. II.1. The diagrams bespeaking the interpolation of the north pole of a saloon magnet into the spiral: a.b. c.d. The diagram with the south pole of the saloon magnet being inserted into the spiral: a. B. c. vitamin D. The diagram of the north pole of the saloon magnet being withdrawn form the spiral: a.b. c.d. The diagram for the south- pole of the saloon magnet being withdrawn from the spiral: e.f. g.h. III.1. Diagrams for current- carrying spirals being moved together: a.b. 2. Diagrams for spirals being placed together with a wire detached from spiral A and so replaced and removed after being positioned in close propinquity: a.b. 3. Diagrams for the interpolation of a soft Fe rod ( nail ) through the two spirals with circuit all of a sudden closed: a. B. c.d. These are for the shutting circuit with the current in the powered spiral fluxing in the opposite way: a.b. c.d. These diagrams are for the state of affairs of interrupting the circuit with a soft Fe rod inserted through the spirals: a.b. c.d. These diagrams are for the breakage of the circuit with the current flowing in the opposite way from the old circuit: a.b. c.d. Consequences: The consequences of this research lab are non represented as computations. The diagrams in the old subdivision constitutes a big part of the replies to the inquiries and assignments within the process. Most of the inquiries are represented in the old subdivision and those inquiries necessitating a verbal reply are fulfilled in this subdivision. The first inquiry from the 2nd portion of the Procedure subdivision asks for observations of the fleet interpolation of the saloon magnet into the spiral. The galvanometer needle moves into place and so settles back to impersonal after the magnet Michigan. The following inquiry, besides in that subdivision, asks if the field produced by the current in the spiral was in the opposite way of the magnetic field of the saloon magnet? The field produced is bound by physical jurisprudence to be in the opposite way of the field of the saloon magnet. The field acts to call off the consequence of the magnet? s field on the spiral. The following inquiry asks if the velocity of the inserted magnet has any consequence on the strength of the magnetic field produced. The reply is yes ; the field produced in the spiral is weaker as the magnet is inserted and withdrawn at a slower gait. The concluding inquiry of the research lab, from the 3rd subdivision of the process, asks if the spiral attached to the power supply Acts of the Apostless like the saloon magnet did when moved near to another spiral. The reply is yes ; the powered spiral has a magnetic field due to the current passing through it. When placed near the other spiral at some rate of velocity, the galvanometer attached to the 2nd spiral reacts to the current being produced in the spiral. Percentage Mistake Difference: This research lab does non affect any numerical computations to be compared to theoretical values. Due to this fact, there is no per centum mistake difference found in the class of these experiments. That said, any mistake in the coverage of the consequences and informations of this lab would be the consequence of human mistake. Any unlawful readings or embezzlement of the experimental state of affairss would be attributed to the pupil. This is the lone beginning of mistake in this research lab. Decision ; The research lab consequences were really clear. The equipment was used in its proper mode and later produced accurate consequences. The function of the magnetic Fieldss around the current- carrying heterosexual and looped wires were found to be consistent with the direction provided in the text edition. The alteration in way of the current produced to allow ensuing magnetic field as compared to the text. The saloon magnet and spiral subdivision of the research lab allowed for a close comparing with the theory behind electromagnetic initiation. As the magnet was inserted into the spiral, the galvanometer needle registered a current. The way of the resulting field could so be produced with counsel from the theory and a small deductive logical thinking. The concluding subdivision of the process besides held to the anticipations of theory. The thought that a powered spiral would move like a saloon magnet when moved into close propinquity with a spiral attached to a galvanometer besides proved to be true. The galvanometer reacted in the same manner as if the magnet were being inserted into the spiral. The powered spiral has a magnetic field of its ain due to the current in the wire. As a consequence of this field, the galvanometer detects a current in the spiral attached to it precisely like the state of affairss affecting a saloon magnet. The consequences of this research lab indicates a successful representation of the basic theoretical guidelines. The equipment was satisfactory for the undertakings described in the process and the consequences were every bit as fulfilling. With this success, the pupil sees the theory in a touchable signifier and this would assist to cement the constructs of electromagnetic initiation in their memory. Plants Cited: 1.Cutnell, John D. and Johnson, Kenneth W. Physics. 3rd erectile dysfunction. John Wiley A ; Sons, inc. , New York, 1995 2. Ohanian, Hans C. Physics. 2nd erectile dysfunction. W. W. Norton A ; Company, New York, 1989. 3. Serway, Raymond A and Faughn, Jerry S. College Physics. 5th erectile dysfunction. Saunders College Publishing, Orlando, 1999.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Passport automation system free essay sample

The Passport Application System for Indian Nationals is being automated with a user-friendly interface and a strong back-end support. Every citizen of India who wishes to apply for his/her passport has to create a personal login account by registering himself/herself at first. From thereon, he/she can access the forms for the application process by logging in with the username and password for authentication. The passport applicant can apply either by: Normal application mode or Tatkal mode. Opting for the tatkal scheme costs the applicant an additional fee amount of Rs. 1000/- besides extra document proof submission. We basically have two categories of applicants: Fresh Passport Applicants Passport Renewal Applicants The applicants who are seeking their renewals must fill up an additional form regarding their old passport details. All the details entered by the applicants are validated upon submission and recorded in the database. The applicants have to scan and upload their original documents for proofs of citizenship, address, educational background, occupation, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Passport automation system or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The final step would be payment of the passport application fee that would be computed automatically based on the modes and category of applicant. After the payment is successfully carried out, an appointment date would be generated for in-person verification of the applicant by the passport authorities. A receipt slip would be generated as an acknowledgement for the completion of passport application process. SRS: 1. LOGIN/REGISTRATION: a. Basic Description . Users have to create their own login account by registering themselves. After filling up the registration form, the users can login to their account by entering username and passport for validation. b. Basic Flow: . New users will be directed to a registration page asking them to fill up the details like Name, DOB and other such trivial details. Filling up all the fields will be mandatory. Pre-Conditions: None Post-Conditions: After login, user will be prompted to choose the mode of applications. c. Alternative Flow: . If the user fails to login due to invalid username/password, the login screen will be reloaded again and again. Even if this doesn’t work, the user can try registering afresh. This usecase prompts the applicant to decide on either of the 2 application modes- normal or tatkal. b. Basic Flow . Entering into the normal mode will open up the application form directly. Pre-Conditions: Successful login with appropriate username and password. Post-Conditions: The applicant has to pay the passport fees according to the choice of application mode in a later stage. c. Alternative Flow . If the applicant chooses tatkal, an alert message is displayed indicating that additional charges are applicable. The flow resumes displaying the normal application form. Application Form: a. Basic Description . The applicant has to fill in all the mandatory fields in the given application form. Valid details are to be filled up without any ambiguity. b. Basic Flow . The applicant has to manually type in all the particulars required. Pre-Conditions: The applicant has to make his choice of mode of application. Post-Conditions: The form is subjected to validations. c. Alternative Flow . If the user wishes to terminate the session of form filling and proceed later, he can do so by quitting the process. If the user wants to renew his passport (i. e. not a fresh applicant), previous passport details are to be filled in for validation. b. Basic Flow . The renewal seekers are required to fill in their old passport details like Passport no, Date of Issue, Date of Expiry and Place of Issue Pre-Conditions: A valid old passport is to be produced to fill in the details. Post-Conditions: Authentication is done for the old passport existence before payment. c. Alternative Flow . None. 5. Document Submission: a. Basic Description Original documents need to be provided for various authentications by the passport authorities. b. Basic Flow . Scan the documents using a scanner and upload them to the database. This usecase validates the proofs of citizenship, address, education details, marital status and other such trivial details. Pre-Conditions: Valid documents like Birth Certificates, Licenses, Ration Cards, Bank Passbook, etc. Post-Conditions: Matching the submitted documents with the no of proofs required and validating. c. Alternative Flow . If the documents are insufficient, an alert message is displayed. Otherwise, no alternative flow here. 6. Fee Payment: a. Basic Description . The pre-computed payable amount is displayed in the form and payment options are displayed. b. Basic Flow . The payment is calculated based on the mode chosen (normal or tatkal) and the charges are listed explicitly. Payment is done here. Pre-Conditions: Completion of all forms and proper modes chosen already. Post-Conditions: Payment gateway is opened and receipt would be generated. c. Alternative Flow . Quit option to pay later on. Basic Description . This is the final step in passport automation process. A receipt is generated with an appointment date generated along with final application summary. b. Basic Flow . The generated receipt can either be printed (saved) to a file or directly printed using a printing device. Pre-Conditions: Full payment for passport is done. Post-Conditions: A valid receipt is generated as a proof of having completed the passport process. He/she has to visit the passport office in person on the appointment date allotted for final authentication.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Romeo and Juliet Film Review Essay Example

Romeo and Juliet Film Review Essay Example Romeo and Juliet Film Review Paper Romeo and Juliet Film Review Paper Baz Luhrmanns version of â€Å"William Shakespeares Romeo + Juliet†, who is also the director of Strictly ballroom, is a bold adaptation of the worlds famous tragedy. He offers a trendy, contemporary re-telling of the classic love story with Leonardo DiCaprios Romeo and Clare Danes Juliet. Even though it is set in a modern day Verona, it still shows the beauty of the romance and keeps in Shakespeares dialogue. Juliet is a naive, obedient girl at the beginning of the story, having not experienced true love, but by the time shes met Romeo and her love has deepened, we see how dramatically her character has developed. Will Romeo and Juliet ever come out with their marriage ? Well youll have to go and see the film ! Claire Danes was brilliantly casted by Luhrman to make a breathtaking Juliet. She flawlessly looks and acts the part whilst beautifully showing her love and passion for Romeo and captures her dramatic transition from childhood to womanhood. Leonardo DiCaprio was almost as impressive as Romeo. Leonardo captures the intentions of his emotions amazingly. He captures Romeos characteristic of acting at the heat of the moment wonderfully, this unfortunate characteristic however, plays a huge role leading up to the lovers tragic fate. Like Juliet, we see his character develop throughout the play. Romeo is acted very well by Leonardo DiCaprio even though he is a little over exaggerated. The supporting cast are very well played as well. John Leguizamo plays an effective and amazing Tybalt, Juliets Latino cousin. Lurhman makes a daring move by making Mercutio, Harold Perrineau, a high-energy drag queen he sings and dances with Shakespearean lyrics, but it comes off very humorous and effective. The film is set in Verona Beach (Mexico City and a beach on the Pacific Coast) but works extremely well. The fact that it is set very modernly, helps the audience relate to the story and is more entertaining to a wider audience range. The audience range is to people who think Shakespeare is boring and you only see/read his plays in school but adults also would enjoy his film. The music, is also very modern and trendy, not what you would expect in a Shakespeare film. There are some key scenes that stand out and you cant forget. For example, when we see Mercutio singing at Capulets party it is one of the humorous scenes in the play as is Tybalts entrance at the petrol station. He walks in and you instantly know he means business and you could say loves himself a little. Some of the more serious scenes sti ck in your mind as well. For instance, when Romeo and Juliet first meet you instantly know that it is love at first sight from the gaze in each others eyes and how they react. Also, Romeo and Juliet dying. This is one of the most memorable scenes in the play as it is a dramatic, emotional scene as you see how much love is in their relationship. All in all, what Luhrman did with the film was both bold and brilliant, and he succeeded wonderfully. I highly recommend you see this film, even if you arent a Shakespeare fan, you will enjoy this hip modernization of Shakespeares most famous play ever.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The South China Sea A Historical Overview

The South China Sea A Historical Overview The sea is dotted with hundreds of small islands, atolls, and reefs, only a few of which are actually inhabitable and all of which lie outside the internationally-recognized 12 nautical miles territorial limit of the squabbling nations. Geopolitical disputes over the ownership of the South China Sea were a frequent topic of international news in 2012, and indications are that they will continue to be so for some time to come. Here is a brief primer on why this part of the world has become such a diplomatic hotspot. Where is the South China Sea? The South China Sea is a broad body of water lying between the coast of the Southeast Asian mainland and the island nations of the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. It is bordered on the north by Taiwan and the southern coast of China, on the west by Viet Nam, on the south by the Malay Peninsula and Borneo, and on the east by the Philippines. DOKDO ISLANDS ARE KOREAN PROPERTY As shown by this map, China claims virtually all of the South China Sea, which is the source of the sharp disputes it has had with other countries, primarily Viet Nam and the Philippines. The sea is dotted with hundreds of small islands, atolls, and reefs, only a few of which are actually inhabitable and all of which lie outside the internationally-recognized 12 nautical miles territorial limit of the squabbling nations. The claims of the Philippines, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam to parts of the South China Sea are based on geographical proximity, historical claims, and the 200 nautical mile limit to â€Å"Exclusive Economic Zones† provided for in the 1982 UN Convention on the Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS), which is not recognized by China. Do Any of the Countries Have a Legitimate Claim? Because there is very little physical land that can be occupied in the South China Sea, none of the countries involved has established a clear, indisputable sovereign claim. In 1947, shortly after the Communists came to power in China, the Chinese government published maps purportedly dating back to the 16th century showing the sea as part of Chinese territory and claimed the area had been used by Chinese fishermen and traders for more than 2,000 years. Viet Nam in particular disputed this, producing documents of their own showing the Paracel and Spratly Island groups as part of their territory as early as the 17th century. The claims of the Philippines to the Spratlys and the Scarborough Shoal, which lies about 150 kilometers west of the Philippines, are based on those areas lying closer to the Philippines than any of the other countries. Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei base their claims on the provisions of the UNCLOS accord. Why is the South China Sea Such â€Å"Hot Property†? The most important reason is natural gas and lots of it. Although the continuing disputes have prevented much exploration in the South China Sea, indications from the few surveys that have been done indicate it may contain reserves of up to 25 trillion cubic meters of natural gas, which if true would make the area the third- or fourth-largest concentration of gas in the world. In addition, the South China Sea is believed to hold oil reserves of up to 28 billion barrels, according to estimates by the US Energy Information Administration. The South China Sea is also a strategically important shipping region linking Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Indian Ocean with China, Japan, and the rest of the Pacific Ocean; about a third of the world’s sea traffic is said to cross the South China Sea. The sea is also a rich fishing ground and supports most of the commercial fishing done by the Philippines, Viet Nam, China, and Malaysia. Key Events in the South China Sea The most serious clashes have occurred between China and Viet Nam, who have had naval battles over the Paracels and the Spratlys. In 1974, China launched an amphibious assault on the Paracel Islands then occupied by Viet Nam, seizing the island group after a short, violent fight that killed about 70 Vietnamese soldiers. In 1988, a naval engagement between Viet Nam and China in the Spratlys ended with several Vietnamese gunboats being destroyed, with a loss of about 60 sailors. More recently, an attempt by Philippine Coast Guard forces to arrest Chinese poachers in the Scarborough Shoal in 2012 led to a tense naval standoff that saw both nations send dozens of vessels to the area, and created a diplomatic crisis that has since settled down but has not been resolved. China also angered both Viet Nam and the Philippines in 2012 by redesigning its passports with an illustration of a map showing the South China Sea as part of its territory; as a result, both countries briefly refused to issue visa stamps to Chinese travelers carrying the new, offensive passports. Other small provocations are frequent occurrences. An unconfirmed report of Chinese interference with Vietnamese oil exploration vessels in 2011 led to massive anti-China demonstrations in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City; the Vietnamese for their part routinely conduct live-fire naval exercises in the South China Sea, drawing protests from the Chinese government. And in 2012, the Philippine government issued a directive renaming the South China Sea to the â€Å"West Philippine Sea,† further irritating China. Will the Disputes Be Ever Resolved? The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which includes all the claimants to the South China Sea except China and Taiwan, has on several occasions attempted to develop a binding â€Å"code of conduct† for nations in the South China Sea, with little success. China for its part has consistently resisted moves to â€Å"internationalize† the dispute, preferring to negotiate on a bilateral basis with individual countries. Although some discussions have taken place, most recently between the Philippines and China over the Scarborough Shoal incident, none of the countries have been willing to relax their claims, suggesting the issue will be a source of tension for some time to come.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

John Locke and natural right to property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

John Locke and natural right to property - Essay Example As a means of explicating and elaborating on Locke’s particular view of private property and the means by which it is acquired as well as the rights that it necessarily portends, this brief analysis will review Locke’s arguments and attempt to juxtapose and coalesce them within the framework of how private property within the modern era is understood. Furthermore, the qualifications to what constitutes private property and how it can and should be utilized will also be discussed. Lastly, a level of inference will be drawn based upon the means by which Locke has defined private property and the means by which such a definition is still useful within the current modern context of evolved societies. Firstly and most importantly, it should be stated that according to John Locke’s Second Treatise on Government, he believed private property to be a natural right. This natural right is related to the reader due to the fact that Locke believes that the private ownership of property and the wealth generation that it can bring is one of the only means by which an individual can sustain himself/herself in a relative form of physical comfort. Whereas many people throughout the decades have criticized such an interpretation as going against the natural order of things, the fact of the matter is without private property, the ability of the individual to profit from the otherwise communal land is all but negligible. Locke does place a limit on the so called â€Å"Naturalness† of private property. Ultimately, his qualification of what can be determined as the natural right is contingent upon the lack of greed that private property ownership must exhibit. In other words, for Locke, private property is a natural right and moral good as long as it is not engaged upon with greed. Locke goes on to differentiate what is specifically meant by the somewhat nebulous

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Adeptia Case Study Write-up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Adeptia Case Study Write-up - Essay Example Identifying an appropriate market segment for a start up product is crucial to any business organization. Thus of the various target market strategies such as single segment strategy, selective specialization, product specialization, market specialization, and full market coverage; the select specialization strategy would be the most appropriate strategy for Adeptia for positioning and marketing its product since it aspires to promote its product as a ‘niche’ product and also has the required specialization to cater to different market segments by tailoring its product accordingly. Product pricing is one of the most significant strategic issues since it helps in accurately positioning the product. In my opinion, Adeptia’s product was aptly priced but could have been more flexible, considering the product is in the growth stage. The product pricing also depends largely on various factors such as the company’s pricing objective which may include maximizing current profits, maximizing current revenue, maximizing product quantity, increasing profit margin, attaining quality leadership, aiming for partial cost recovery, or survival. Adeptia, already had a good quality product which met the customer requirements and hence the factors that were considered in developing its pricing model, in my opinion, would be aiming for partial cost recovery and survival, since it was an entry level product. Adeptia’s sales process has certain flaws and hence isn’t too effective. Initially the product was proposed to be sold through cold calling with a view to build a pipeline and a few junior sales representatives were hired for the purpose. Although the newly hired personnel had initial sales experience, the product that was proposed to be marketed required high technical expertise rather than just selling experience, which was completely lacking. The sales

Saturday, November 16, 2019

White Privilege in American Society Essay Example for Free

White Privilege in American Society Essay Privilege is the greatest enemy of equality. This quote from a noted Austrian novelist, Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach, perhaps describes the harm of white privilege on American society. By its very definition privilege is a grace bestowed on one over another (Webster, 2006). In that sense, privilege is in and of itself an opposition to equality. In racial terms, if one group has been historically privileged over another, there will never be equality between the groups until a catastrophic new beginning can occur removing all trace of the bestowed privilege. Privilege is the greatest enemy of equality. This quote from a noted Austrian novelist, Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach, perhaps describes the harm of white privilege on American society. By its very definition privilege is a grace bestowed on one over another (Webster, 2006). In that sense, privilege is in and of itself an opposition to equality. In racial terms, if one group has been historically privileged over another, there will never be equality between the groups until a catastrophic new beginning can occur removing all trace of the bestowed privilege. White American privilege is the result of a country developing around a racially charged society featuring whites on top. Since the inception of colonial America, Whites heeded themselves as the superior race. This is seen evident through the submission and elimination of the Native Americans as well as most directly in the institution of slavery. As the nation of riches began to develop, and the American Dream came into fruition, nonwhites were left out of any chance to profit. Skip ahead to present day and we see a nation that has made drastic leaps toward social equality between races, but still struggles with remnants of the past. Simply put, white privilege is the social advantage given to whites through wealth and power that nonwhites never had the opportunity to earn. Despite all of societys strides toward racial equality, how do you equalize the advantages one group has had over another? The most obvious advantage today is that of wealth. White Americans have had greater opportunity for previous generations to accumulate and pass on wealth to todays members, whereas nonwhite Americans were historically denied the opportunity to do so. Specific cases include the subjugation of a race with Native Americans, the enslavement of race as seen with Black Americans, and the fleecing of a race as seen with Japanese Americans. However, perhaps most prevalent, but certainly not obvious is the power that White Privilege bestows to White Americans. In a society being controlled by white Americans, it is natural for that society to show a bias toward whites. This bias manifests itself through legislation, opportunities and within the very fabric of society itself. However prevalent its effects might be, White Privilege seems nonexistent to those who benefit from it (McIntosh, 1989). In modern American society, as a nation that has existed with White Privilege, it is commonplace and goes by unnoticed to white Americans. Among its subtle manifestations, but arguably the most relevant, is the fact that actions committed by a white individual are attributed to that individual and very seldom to their race, whereas, actions committed by nonwhites are usually viewed as stereotypical of their race, even if those actions are in fact atypical. It is in these subtleties that the often made argument that disenfranchised white Americans do not benefit from the effects of White Privilege is proved inaccurate. The factor of wealth only gives a reason as to why white privilege exists. The fact that all but a very small percentage of wealthy Americans are white correlates to that fact that all but a very small percentage of Americans in power are white. The bias and controlling interest exerted by this white power majority is apparent through all aspects of American government. As described in The Coming White Majority a black man recalls coming to America, he quotes, We came here as Africans, but no one called us Africans. They called us Negroes (Maharidge, 1996). White Privilege is a phenomenon that cannot directly be undone. As discussed the underlying causes of White Privilege exist in the mindset and power structure of American society. Perhaps most conceivable would be to begin by diversifying the power structure of the government. However, as has been proven many times in American government, politics are won through financial support. So for this reason, we look again to wealth and must focus on equalizing the wealth of the nation. If, through these steps, we engineer a social system that has power equally distributed among races, there still remains the perceived power created by societal mindset. Unlike tangible aspects of government office and wealth, how can we conceivable attempt to change the minds of an entire society of people (Bonilla-Silva, 2006). It can be presumed that the only way to begin to undertake this task is through education. Contrary to popular belief, race cannot be ignored. Race education will help to educate both white Americans to be aware of phenomenon such as White Privilege, and to help educate nonwhite Americans in what to expect living in a society filled with White Privilege. As discussed, White Privilege is a permeating factor of American society and its effects slowly widen the riff between white and nonwhite Americans. However, although difficult, it is possible to begin to overcome the effects granted by White Privilege. Ignoring nonrealistic way such as a mass racial equalizing of wealth and power, the first step is to educate both sides of society in race relations throughout. After all, as has been coined may times, education and understanding are the end all of strife and despair. Works Cited Webster. Websters Dictionary. 2006 McIntosh, P. White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack. Peace and Freedom. July 1989. Maharidge, D. The Coming White Minority. Random House Inc, 1996. Bonilla-Silva, E. Racialized Social System Approach to Racism, in Gallagher, Charles. Rethinking the Color Line: Readings in Race and Ethnicity. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Not Looking at Pictures - Not Reading Texts :: Reading Art Writing Theory

Not Looking at Pictures - Not Reading Texts Here are two persons in an open, empty space. Bound by walls, they are its contents. Now they exit, walking down corridor after corridor, filling and emptying rooms as they go. Four feet strike the floor in steps: two beat regularly, forming measures, and two more land off the beat, sounding irregularly, introducing syncopation; but when the steps intersect-as they now do-there is diaphony, which displaces our memory of the sounds that preceded it. A difficult rest follows, only to be broken by the falling of an uncertain limb, which thuds and drags, thuds then drags . . . . The music stops; we hear silence and presume stillness. The sound of laughter forces our eyes open. We see that two men stand side by side, facing a common wall. Standing behind them, we ourselves behold their object, a painting, and our eyes enter its frame. Here a knight has plunged a spear, a foreign object, into a small dragon's neck, as a fair woman looks on. The faces of the knight and the woman make no cle ar expression, but the dragon bears its fangs. One among the three has been invaded, and only one has sensed the invasion; only the dragon opens its jaw and, at this frozen moment, one sound alone is signified. Our eyes exit the frame and return to the room, where two men still stand. We walk around them to see their eyes and find both sets in motion, yet they move differently. While two paired eyes seem to move easily across the canvas, the other pair struggle-these eyes dart, they dash; and now the eyes appear to relax on a plane beyond the painting, beyond the wall on which it hangs. "Pictures," writes E.M. Forster, bringing us into "Not Looking at Pictures," "are not easy to look at" (130). Standing in the gallery, we are inclined to believe him, having seen St. George and the Dragon as colorless subjects and objects intermediated by verbs; here no paint has dried. Yet there must be some paint in Forster's essay, and we would sooner see it than watch his walls go bare, for ours would go bare, too. Where Forster imagines that the dragon utters some silly things, we too have brought imagination to bear on the picture; where Forster's vision of the picture had amazed Roger Fry "that anyone could go so completely off the lines" (131), the play of our eyes in space might have troubled the critic no less.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Louise Vuitton

Louis Vuitton — one of the oldest fashionable houses of Europe. Its history began in the middle of the XIX century, in 1854. Today, as well as 150 years ago, goods from Louis Vuitton are still made manually. With unmistakably recognizable monogram of â€Å"LV† on the logo, Louis Vuitton it is recognized as one of the most prestigious brands in the world. â€Å"Louis Vuitton is one of the world's leading international fashion houses; it sells its products through standalone boutiques, lease departments in high-end department stores, and through the e-commerce section of its website.Louis Vuitton commonly referred to as Louis Vuitton or shortened to LV, is a French fashion house founded in 1854 by Louis Vuitton. † (louisvuitton, 2011). Environment can be defined as, the amalgamation of external physical circumstances that impinge and influence the augmentation, development and survival of creation. Therefore, the business environment would define as same, all the f actors internal and external that affects its profitability and growth. It is very important for the business leader to carry out business environmental analysis to understand their business topography at present time.To evaluate suitable context of the organisations operations in terms of the internal environment it is best to use SWOT analysis of Louis Vuitton. First of all let is start from strengths. Louise Vuitton is not only one of the oldest, but one of the most legendary houses of fashion in the world. The most valuable argument for the strength of this company is exclusivity. Since the 19th century, manufacture of Louis Vuitton goods has not changed. â€Å"Luggage is still made by hand, utilize the signature brown Damier and Monogan Canvas materials, both of which were first used in late 19th century.† (lvmh, 2012).Also, the company markets it is product though it is own stores located throughout the world, which allows it to control product quality and pricing. â₠¬Å"Louis Vuitton commands a strong brand identity and image in the world’s leading financial hubs such as China, Japan and Hong Kong, which incidentally also has the highest concentrations of high net worth individuals, with loyal customers in Europe and the United States. † (louisvuittonbrand, 2013). Secondly let is identify weaknesses of Louise Vuitton.Limited costumer base is the one of the weaknesses of this company. Only the elite and rich who want to make a statement and want to be distinctive from others can afford Louise Vuitton. Also, it does not have any discount sale on it is products, which means that the company reducing the chances of attracting customers who can afford more economical products. â€Å"LV has not had a sale in 154 years. Louis Vuitton prohibits bargain sales. A core of Louis Vuitton’s pricing strategy is to sell the products to all of its customers at the same price no matter the location.â€Å" (Kraemer, 2012).Thirdly, let is thin k about opportunities. To meet contemporary tastes and styles of it is elite consumers, Louise Vuitton revamping its image from time to time. â€Å"The fashion industry is a pretty dynamic one which changes rapidly over the seasons. Louis Vuitton has the ability to revamp its image from time to time to meet contemporary tastes, styles and preferences of its customers. † (louisvuittonbrand, 2013). Moreover, Louise Vuitton leverages its strong brand equity to product – fashion, accessories, shoes, timepieces, and architecture.And with its continuous innovation and support to different managerial, environmental, and more crucially societal and humanitarian issues and concerns (e. g. corporate sponsorship to support culture, youth and humanitarian action), Louis Vuitton can gain more customer loyalty, which will help give them a greater competitive advantage against rival brands. â€Å"While the brand is one of the leading names in the luxury industry, Louis Vuitton maint ains a strong desire to continue its innovation with high quality raw materials, tamper-proof locks, optimised production processes, and soon a dedicated leather goods hub in Angers, France.† (Quark, 2013).Now let is talk about threats of the company. Louise Vuitton is one of the most counterfeited brands in fashion world due to its image as a status symbol – imitation of quality, expertise and innovation – sued Britney Spears, Darfur Charity infringing LV’s intellectual property rights. Also it is has luxury and strong competitors such as Christian Dior, Chanel, Gucci, Prada etc. And one more thing is animal right group. Campaigners staged a noisy protest outside a Louise Vuitton store on Paris famed Champs Elysees avenue in 2006 for using real fur in decoration and  accessories.â€Å"With the advent of environmental protection and considerations in business, the number of groups protesting against the use of animal skins on fashion and leather goodsâ €  (louisvuittonbrand, 2011). External business environment represent the uncontrollable factors, the external factors can be analysed using PEST analysis. It will cover political, economical, social and technological factors. Political Louis Vuitton has slashed the rate of new store openings to two a year on average, down from 10-15.Its extensive network of 460 shops stretches to Mongolia and Kazakhstan. Higher sales going through fewer stores should boost the profitability of each store. Economical Economical situation, inflation, interest rate and strengths of consumer spending. It will directly affect the Louise Vuitton and its profit, if economical situation is bad consumer will spend less â€Å"Fewer new store openings will also free up cash, which could potentially be returned to shareholders† (Daneshkhu, 2013) SocialLouise Vuitton is wealthiest and renowned member of society Technological The new opportunities to expand on the Internet though online sales and now e ven sales by smartphones â€Å"Today, the Louis Vuitton app includes three document types: PDFs, interactive publications (with video, slideshows, Web sites, specific read modes) and videos. It consists of a kiosk, which is used to navi- gate through the Quark Publishing Platform tree structure to select and download the desired publications before viewing them on the iPad.The app also includes a library for previously downloaded documents (which can be read in off-line mode). † (Quark, 2013) Now this essay will give brief recommendations for Louise Vuitton for the next years. Let is start from short-term recommendations. First of all, to make Louise Vuitton more appealing to the consumer, some products of the brand can be made available only in small quantities, by limiting its production of certain products from time to time, or producing special  edition of the some handbag in different markets, Louise Vuitton could become even more premium.Hence, this can satisfy the co nsumer, who wants to differentiate themselves from other Louise Vuitton users. Louise Vuitton could even create a trend for collection of limited edition Louise Vuitton products. Also, Louise Vuitton can open to franchising with high end malls around the world. Long term recommendations are about to be more distinctive from the competition, Louise Vuitton may consider concentrating its business model to production of leather goods only.If Louise Vuitton could concentrate on leather goods production alone, it could become not just the leader, but also the specialist of producing different leather goods. Also, by offering more economic lines to the consumer, Sub brands will help to fight counterfeiting and broaden their consumer base In conculion, as Louis Vuitton continues to build on its strong history, add to its portfolio, and show continued growth, now is a strategic time to invest as stock and value continue to rise.â€Å"The company’s maturity and proven stability make it attractive and investors can rest assured that there would be a low level of volatility in their investment. †(Nebia, 2012) Investors can also be comfortable with the fact that this is not exactly a â€Å"widows and orphans† stock, Louise Vuitton has had continuous expansions by acquiring other well know luxury goods companies and continues to make substantial investments. This has helped to further differentiate sources of revenue and gain more consumers. The company’s innovation in the sector and well-established culture make it standout investment.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Virginia Woolfe’s Professions for Women

In her essay, â€Å"Professions for Women†, Virginia Woolf writes of the internal conflict many women endured every day in the face of a male dominated society. They are pressured to hide their intellect behind the facade of a delicate, emotional person who is unable think for themselves. Woolf uses metaphor and anaphora to urge women to think and stand up for themselves. Woolf’s purpose of inspiring women to be whatever they want to be is conveyed through two explicit metaphors predominantly used in this essay.The first is the Angel in the House, the Angel representing the image of the stereotypical Victorian era woman. The Angel is â€Å"charming†, â€Å"sympathetic†, and has all the qualities expected of women. Instead of allowing Woolf to write what she thinks, the Angel attempts to persuade her to â€Å"be sympathetic, be tender; flatter; deceive; use all the arts and wiles of your sex. Never let anybody guess that you have a mind of your own. † If the Angel was not stopped, she would have â€Å"plucked the heart out of [Woolf’s] writing. Killing the Angel signifies Woolf’s overcoming of societal pressures to become the cliched Victorian woman. The next important metaphor is of the fisherman in a girl’s dream. In the dream the girl is at the bottom of a lake which is symbolically used to characterize her mind. The girl lets â€Å"her imagination sweep unchecked around every rock and cranny of the world that lies submerged in the depths of our unconscious being. † She was able to think freely and let her imagination take over.The fisherman was â€Å"on the verge of a deep lake with a rod held out over the water. † Then â€Å"her imagination rushed away† and the girl was â€Å"roused from her dream. † The reason behind the fisherman in the dream was to show the censorship placed on the minds of women because they were considered below men with only thoughts of trivial things . â€Å"Men, her reason told her, would be shocked† if they knew that she in fact did have even a hint of brainpower. â€Å"Her imagination could no work longer. To reach out to the women in her audience, Woolf uses anaphora in her conclusion. With the repeated use of the word â€Å"you†, she tells women that they have to be the ones who take action. Once they do so, they may reach an equal standing with men and make their own decisions in order to make changes for themselves. With the use of the rhetorical strategies, Woolf shows how women in her time were â€Å"impeded by the extreme conventionality of the other sex. † She encourages women to think independently and to not let a man’s judgment hinder their potential.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Batter Women Syndrome by Lenore E. Walker

Batter Women Syndrome by Lenore E. Walker "The Battered Woman" by Lenore E. Walker discusses issues on domestic violence and the battered woman syndrome (BWS). Dr. Walker wrote this book in the year 1979 so she could reveal her findings and educate the people on the battered women syndrome, and domestic violence. Walker is one of the most well known researchers on the issue of domestic violence and the battered women syndrome (BWS). She has spent and dedicated a lot of her time in the field of domestic violence. Domestic violence has been around for centuries, and the majority of the victims are women. The term Domestic Violence did not come into use until the 1970s. Having first been used to address the problem of wife battering, it now encompasses much more. Other terms commonly used are, for example, spousal abuse and intimate partner abuse. There are four major types of domestic violence. Firstly, there is physical violence which is the most popular of all.Domestic violence in Spain 1998-2007This type includes pushing, s lapping, beating, and assault with a weapon. Secondly, sexual abuse, which covers a wide range of assaults including forced sexual intercourse, penetration with a foreign object, grabbing and fondling, verbal sexual threats, and any other unwanted attempt on sexual contact. Thirdly, the economic abuse, whereas the abuser denies the victim access to resources such as education and employment. Lastly, psychological abuse, which includes acts such as isolating the victim from contact with others, humiliating the victim, degrading the victim, and threatening to harm the victim or those close to the victim (in example family and friends).Lenore Walker discusses many aspects of the psychology of the "Battered Women" that I find to be very valid. She discusses topics such as the myths and reality, as well as the cycle theory of violence that correlates with the...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

French Expressions with Être

French Expressions with Être The French verb à ªtre literally means to be and is found in many expressions. Learn how to say thats right, here goes, so be it, and more with this list of expressions with à ªtre. à ªtre cà ´tà © de la plaqueto be way off the mark, to not have a clue à ªtre bien dans sa peauto be at ease/comfortable with oneself à ªtre bouche bà ©eto be flabbergasted à ªtre dans le douteto be doubtful à ªtre dans la mouise (familiar)to be flat broke à ªtre dans la panade (familiar)to be in a sticky situation à ªtre dans son assietteto feel normal, like oneself à ªtre deto be at/in (figuratively) à ªtre en train de infinitiveto be (in the process of) present participle à ªtre haut comme trois pommesto be knee-high to a grasshopper à ªtre sur son trente et unto be dressed to the nines en à ªtreto take part in à §a mest à ©galits all the same to me à §a y estthats it, its done cestit is (impersonal expression) cest dateits (date) cestdirethat is, i.e., I mean cest moi / toi / Paulthats mine / yours / Pauls cest à §athats it, thats right Cest cadeauIts free, on the house Cest dans la pocheIts in the bag, a sure thing, a done deal cest grà ¢ce its (all) thanks to Cest la vie!Thats life! Cest le piedIts great cest partihere we go, here goes, and were off Ce nest pas de la tarteIts not easy Ce nest pas graveIt doesnt matter, no problem Ce nest pas la mer boireIts not the end of the world Ce nest pas mardi gras aujourdhuiWhat youre wearing is ridiculous Ce nest pas terribleIts not that great Ce nest pas tes oignons!None of your business! Ce nest pas vrai!No way! I dont believe it! Youre kidding! est-ce queno literal translation; this expression is used to ask questions Le fond de lair est fraisTheres a chill in the air Honi soit qui mal y penseShame on anyone who thinks evil of it, This person has hidden evil intentions il estit is (impersonal expression), he is Impossible nest pas franà §ais (proverb)Theres no such thing as cant Je ny suis pour rienI had nothing to do with it nest-ce pas?right? isnt that so? nous sommes / on est dateits (date) Le nouveau est arrivà ©Its Beaujolais Nouveau Day Plus à §a change, plus cest la mà ªme choseThe more things change, the more they stay the same Quand le chat nest pas l, les souris dansent (proverb)When the cats away, the mice will play si ce nest pas indiscretif you dont mind my asking soitso be it, that is soit... soit...either... or... Tout ce qui brille nest pas or (proverb)All that glitters isnt gold

Saturday, November 2, 2019

QIM NOTES ON DESIGNATED LECTURE Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

QIM NOTES ON DESIGNATED LECTURE - Assignment Example During the talk, Dishman shows the audience his film of own kidney transplant, which according to doctors the he was not in a position have a transplant. With latest technological knowhow, it is a vital sign monitor, which can be of use for observations by employing smart phones to give ultrasound images. Through the aid of an online agent who can guide someone through a safe self-care with real time image processing. With the help of network devices, doing care anywhere will just need a team for interactions. He relays an instance when he was sick at a young age and admitted at a hospital. The longer he stayed in the hospital, the sicker he got like allergy (Dishman). Dishman experienced the team sport at Legacy Sam, 6 months ago. The model works by training how to do care at home and offloading clinics. Currently, he has a team in China who track and train seniors caring for themselves and community volunteers. Most of the medical problems emerge because of communication and coordination inadequacies among medical practitioners. Dishman gave an example of poor care coordination, when he was in graduate school undergoing kidney treatment whereby at some point doctors thought he had a heart problem. This was until one nurse noticed his appointment paper that had three prescriptions from different doctors having varying conditions but same drug as a remedy. He had overdose problem but not a heart problem as earlier diagnosed by varying medics cited (Dishman). This happens to millions of people elsewhere but according to Dishman, technology in health care through coordinated team sport presents an effective solution to these incidences. In 1948 during trials to invent TB drugs, healthcare conduct tests averagely but not individually whereby they generalize without knowing that a patient and his or her own population are different, hence ending up to guesswork. However, with the help of high performance