Monday, May 18, 2020

Intelligence Sharing And The Capabilities Of The Homeland...

Intelligence Sharing and the Capability of the Homeland Security Enterprise What are the capabilities and limitations of intelligence in supporting homeland security efforts? Since the deadly terror attacks of 9/11, intelligence gathering for homeland security has improved immensely. One of the most important developments in our law-enforcement structure that has enhanced our intelligence is the creation of fusion centers. Fusion centers are â€Å"state and major urban area focal points for the receipt, analysis, gathering, and sharing of threat-related information between federal; state, local, tribal, territorial (SLTT); and private sector partners† (Department of Homeland Security, 2016). These fusion centers are owned and operated by state and local entities and are supported by federal partners in its many aspects which include personnel deployment, capacity building, and important and crucial connectivity to federal systems (Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), 2012, para. 3). For example, the DHS provides over 70 fusion centers access to the Homeland Secure Data Network or HSDN which allows these fusion centers to receive federally generated classified threat information. By creating fusion centers, intelligence gathering and analysis is not contained in the federal level—governments from the SLTT level as well as other entities relevant to this initiatives are involved. This then devolves and shares homeland security roles to practically all law enforcers from all levelsShow MoreRelatedFusion Centers And The Interagency Threat Assessment And Coordination Group853 Words   |  4 Pagesby the Department of Homeland security in hopes of improving information sharing amongst both Federal, State, Local and tribal law enforcement agencies. The attacks of 9/11 proved that intelligence capabilities and willingness to share information lacked greatly. These programs were developed to hopefully counter that issue. 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Additionally, it became more apparent to the Americans that terrorismRead MoreNational Intelligence Reform And Terrorism Prevention Act Of 20041659 Words   |  7 PagesHomeland Security is the intersection of evolving threats and hazards with traditional government and its responsibilities for civil defense emergency response law enforcement, customs border control and immigration. Moreover, the term â€Å"enterprise† is a national effort that refers to the collective efforts and shared responsibilities of federal, state local, tribal, territorial, nongovernmental and private- sector partners as well as individuals ( U.S. Department of Homland Security, 2010). 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