Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Old Man and the Sea free essay sample

This paper analyzes the characters, plot and metaphors in the Hemingway novel. This paper analyzes the Hemingway novels symbolism and metaphors as they relate to a fisherman?s hardships in overcoming adversities in one?s own life. Many of the objects, people, and places mentioned in The Old Man and the Sea contain another meaning. Santiagos sail, for instance, was patched with flour sacks and, furled, it looked like the flag of permanent defeat? (p.9). Many of the other fishermen looked upon Santiago and his sail as a reminder of failure. Santiago was wrinkled and has worked almost to the point of wearing out, like the old sail. He did not catch a fish in eighty-five days, as well, which seemed like he is defeated and his fishing days are over. However, the sail worked despite its appearance, perhaps similarly to Santiago himself. Neither the man nor the sail gave up or showed any sign of giving in, regardless of their tired state. Santiago is patient, and waits for the fish to come get tired, and come up on his own. Santiago realizes that this may last a long time, so he put the line across his shoulders for a better grip. This was not a comfortable position for Santiago, but he ore with It. Santiago Is In physical pain, he spends three days in an uncomfortable position, and his hands get cuts all over them. HIS left hand gets a cramp which seems to refuse to leave. The strength of the fish would cause the old man to fall In painful and uneasy positions: He had been pulled down tight on to the bow and his face was in the cut slice of dolphin and he could not move. This physical struggle exhausted Santiago, and the weather alongside with the fact that Santiago hadnt come prepared were not helping. He was not only physically drained out, but also morally.Santiago struggle is not only physical, but moral too. It could be perceived as a personal Journey, as an inner struggle. From the way the author describes Santiago, we can deduce that he is a confident, determined and strong old man. As we get deeper into the story, we realize that this is true, but that Santiago holds nevertheless a certain weakness to him, and that he has to struggle with himself to stay strong. The following quote is a good example of this: I am not good for many more turns. Yes you are, he told himself. You are good forever. The weaker side of Santiago wants to give up; he doesnt have faith In himself, but then the stronger, more determined Santiago steps in to keep him going. Another example of an inner struggle is towards he end of the novel, when Santiago finishes fighting the sharks. He knows they have beaten him, yet he says: And what beat you, he thought. Nothing, he said aloud. l went too far. Santiago constantly contradicts himself, creating his small struggles. During this Journey, Santiago experiences different odds, and different states of mind.He is brought to new levels and he is psychologically challenged, and even though he is troubled, and in pain, we are able to see his gentle side, through his love of nature. Through the journey, we see Santiago closeness to nature. It allows us to see how much he really loves the creatures, and how much he respects them. We see this more precisely through the way he calls the fish his Brother and friend. He even says: Fish, I love you and respect you very much. Furthermore, his gentleness comes out when he talks to the mall bird: How old are you?Is this your first trip? he wants it to be safe, and Santiago love as well as respect for nature from the way he talks about other element in nature, such as the sea, or the wind: He always thought of her as la mar which is what people call her in Spanish when they love her. He compares it to a woman, and describes it using adjectives such as kind and beautiful. Later on in the novel, he talks about the wind, saying: The wind is our friend. As before mentioned, Santiago loves and respects nature. His closeness to nature is one that many few of us have. He not only uses it for the pleasure, but for survival. He counts on it to help him in everything he does. In summary, the Journey is important in this novel as it is thanks to it that we see Santiago evolve as a character. We see him in every state: confident, gentle, strong, weak, determined and defeated. In effect, this Journey allows the plot to be more exciting to the character, at the same time showing the importance of nature to Santiago, but also to the novel itself.

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